简介:卡洛琳(艾伦·巴金 Ellen Barkin 饰)是一位不幸的单身母亲,她带着儿子托比(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)离开了有暴力倾向的男友,辗转于不同的城市,只为能够赚钱养家糊口。在西雅图,卡洛琳认识了卡车司机德怀特(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰),在德怀特的身上,她找到了久违的爱情的感觉。 很快,卡洛琳就和德怀特结了婚,并搬到了名叫康克福特的小镇,在这里,似乎新的美好生活就要展开。可是,德怀特和叛逆的托比之间的关系却并不尽如人意,强势的德怀特不仅硬塞给了托比一份送报纸的工作还强迫他参加了童子军。对于继父的强权,年岁渐长的托比选择了反抗,靠着在艺术方面极高的天分,他不仅挣得了数额巨大的奖学金,更获得了深造的机会。最终,已经独立的托比带着母亲离开了德怀特,离开了康克福特小镇,踏上了新的旅程。
简介:In 1905, French seminarian Bruno Reidel is found guilty of murdering a child. At the request of the doctors observing him, he writes his memoirs to explain his action.
简介:Meet the world's first 'cyborgs' - a quadriplegic, a blind man, an amputee, a bio-hacker, and a woman with Parkinson's - the scientists who help them, and one entrepreneur who will stop at nothing on his quest to unlock the brain.
简介:Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obsessed with beautifying his victims.
简介:这是一部非营利性的长篇电影,与漫威、索尼或迪士尼均无关联,由该蜘蛛侠的粉丝创作。 彼得·帕克(Warden Wayne 饰)的前女友不幸身亡,似乎是由于他试图拯救她而造成的,彼得·帕克对于过去的愧疚挥之不去,质疑是否应该永远埋葬来自他的另一个自我的诅咒。当他得知一个身患绝症的孩子寻求与蜘蛛侠见面时,彼得在考虑是否要在他的仅剩之日里去安慰他。 改编自:“SPIDER-MAN: BLUE”以及“THE KID WHO COLLECTS SPIDER-MAN”。
简介:Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obsessed with beautifying his victims.