Season 27 opens with thirteen contestants from the worlds of entertainment, sports and social media, variously performing the cha cha, foxtrot, jive, salsa and quickstep.
Season 27 opens with thirteen contestants from the worlds of entertainment, sports and social media, variously performing the cha cha, foxtrot, jive, salsa and quickstep.
与星共舞 第二十七季演员表:汤姆·伯杰龙伊文娜·林奇约翰·施奈德胡安·巴勃罗·迪·帕塞
与星共舞 第二十七季主题曲:暂无
与星共舞 第二十七季台词:暂无
与星共舞 第二十七季播出时间:2018